because i want to look like i am doing things at work i am composing this in an outlook email message. i realize this isn't the smartest idea i have ever had because of the computer being able to remember everything even after i have gotten rid of it and i think that no one will ever know but if they wanted they could and maybe they just don't care enough to look at everything i do, or maybe they have more time than i realize. in any event i am fake working by writing this in outlook.
last night was my first happy hour. how i get to be 27 and never happy hour? i don't know but i thought it was pretty good over all, until this morning when i had a cheap champagne hangover, which you would think i would have learned my lesson by now but apparently i didn't. who knew long island ice teas where so good? i didn't, until yesterday. did i mention i have a hang over? cause i do. also, going grocery shopping after happy hour, maybe not the smartest idea, but greg managed to secretly buy me a cd i asked him for when we where in best buy, that was pretty stellar and i got excited and probably yelled a lot. he also told me he kicked me out of the car for laughing at him while he was trying to park. in my defense i doubt i was laughing about his parking. in his defense, he had just dealt with never ending happy hour, long after the point it should have ceased being happy. i also think i ate wendys, which was probably what i feel grossest about.
had work meeting this morning which i knew was going to be not awes but it ended up even dumber when i learned that we would no longer be having summer hours, we would just be getting one friday off this summer for free. that was a let down. we also had to come up with ideas to make the office fun and there was a lot of potluck/ yoga/ watch tv in the conference room ideas going around, then someone laid down karaoke and i couldn't help but suggest a magician as a total joke. which got way more laughs than it should have.
other awesome things happening at work, aside from me not having enough to do to fill a day. i made my boss a joke, something to amuse her cause she suggested it and it turned into a real life work thing with suggestions and revisions. when i showed it to sue and greg they had all these awesome "i took graphic design/ art in college" suggestions which where mostly jokes involving words i don't know the meaning of. essentially i think it is dumb and the other girl is trying to out creative me by making all these fancy/ ugly revisions to an application we are putting together.[edited- so as not to incriminate myself by talking about others.]. it's whatever.
things happening that are not work related are, vivid dreams involving weird situations, like at the gap with my sister, and other ones where i am talking to greg on the phone while standing in the empty gym of my childhood church. don't know what to contribute the dream pattern to, it is just happening. there is also murder happening in the piazza across the street from me, serious drug related murder which i feel kind of uncomfortable about but not enough to do anything different. t is coming for the 4th to continue our tradition of spending every non- family- mandatory holidays together. probably lots of sophie/ piazza/ maybe art museum/ morning afters to look forward to, as well as laughing so much and annoying greg on accident. kind of forgot about my moms birthday, so i need to rectify that sometimes this weekend. getting out of work at 3 today. thinking about going to the movies/ cleaning my house finally. we will see.
happy birthday america.
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