Monday, August 25, 2008

we are angry and then calm and then angry but, not bipolar, just human. - Original 5/07

Also, I wish we could all just start again and be new and not fear things and be taller and wiser but we have to wade through what we have become ,and make use of what can be used, because we deserve it and we where lied to about how it would end up and now what are we supposed to do? After a while, when you feel like not another person can walk on top of you, not another one is going to step on your throat and push the wind and air and sea out of you, you do something- finally after all your life you begin to realize the importance of doing something.

The Problem:
Because you were brought up a certain way you don't know how to be strong in the ways people need to see you are strong. And your parents didn't mean any harm by it, they just wanted to be the ones with the nice kids and lost sight that not everyone cares about having nice kids; that some people actually have mean kids, bad kids, rotten kids, kids that need someone to kick the shit out of them because they are nasty and need telling (by physical force if possible.) So, we, the good kids, need take on one more responsibility and be the bearers of this great life lesson to these measly, pimply, little pukes, who have no respect for anyone, not even us who are innocent, pure- un-blemished by the scum of society which produces such off spring.

The Solution Part 1:
We remember our parents, who are stronger than us because they came before and have stood up to the parents of these vile creatures when said creatures broke the finger of their child in the second grade for no good reason and the standing up was actually restrained because while they were pissed as hell they didn't want their precious, delicate, baby doll to get the impression that anger is acceptable. And it's from these infrequent encounters we learn from, learn that it can be done, that one can stand up for ones self when justice can be found from no other source.

The Solution Part 2:
So one night when we cannot take it anymore when they have pushed us to far, have taken one step to many, have taken steps at all, we search them out. We look for them every place we can image their kind to be. We hash plans that are deliberate and diabolical, and while, will not land us in jail, will bring us the satisfaction we deserve because we deserve more than even punishing them will bring us. We want to take them to court and watch them loss everything over the suffering they have caused everyone involved in their miserable lives. We contemplate stiffing them so they know what it feels like to be stiffed, to pay but not get what you paid for, to be told "No, you will not get your money back because we are terrible people and you don't deserve it because you are better than us." But, even after all our looking, we realize it is wrong and, (at least on this night,) we should not stoop to their level because their level smells and makes us smell too.

The Afterward to The Solution Part 1 & 2:
Instead we relish in the victories we have won and while small, they are huge and glorious to us who have won them, those who have never before been allowed the type of satisfaction as when we stooped to their level for just that once when stooping was the only way.

The Problem {again}:
But of course we have remorse because the good ones always do. We are left feeling guilty and wondering if they carry around a burden of guilt for any of their evil actions or were they raised to think that everything was owed to them, that the world owed them things and that if they didn't take first no one was going to give. And so they take over everything and are at the center of the universe and the balance of good and evil is off, and the evil is coming into the light of good and by doing so shaking everything we were taught true. Because no one rewards good anymore. No, those of us who stand up for the right thing are placed into categories. We become tattle tales and ambulance chasers, and show offs, when we are only trying to feel the justice we deserve because we are the pure at life, the ones who's wings are always clean.

**The Reality:
[We are the deer in the head lights and we got out of the road just in time but then called up a bunch of our buck and doe friends and chased after the car and trampled it because we felt that we were owed it, that by almost taking our lives, we were allowed to take theirs. And then when it is late October, early November when they come through the woods with their guns and cross bows and we are still wondering if what we did was right, we won't hear them coming, or we will, but won't fear because we know that karma is a bitch, and we deserve to be hanging over the front lawn of a trailer, where the inhabitants will feast on our goodness and guilt and not think twice because they were the problem all along and we are tired of fighting them with their cars and guns and money and power and our conscious's and we give in because while we are not weak, and do not wish to give up, we are also not stupid, without honor.]**

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